Tag Archives: Agricultural Hall of Fame

Annual Vaughn-Trent Holiday Auction and Update

X-Mas Auction 2013 InviteKeep an eye out for a lovely holiday invite to the Bonner Springs Rotary’s Annual Vaughn-Trent Holiday Auction. It’s Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. at the Ag Hall of Fame barn (630 Hall of Fame Drive Bonner Springs, KS 66012). Tickets are $20. RSVP to Marva at 913.441.2584. If you didn’t receive an invitation, no worries! Just contact us and let us know you can attend. We’ll make sure to get you on our contact list for next year’s mailing. Looking forward to another successful event that makes a difference in our community.

Club Member Update:


Here is Si after a bath and just taking some stickers off his face that hold the nasal cannula in place.

Sol Jacobson: Please continue to send your thoughts and prayers to Sol, Ali and Silas. Si is back in the hospital receiving extra oxygen. Despite everything, Si remains happy.  Much love and support to this family.

Bonner Springs Rotary Donates to Agricultural Hall of Fame

Charley Vogt checkBonner Springs Rotary Treasurer Del Coleman presents Agricultural Hall of Fame Board Member Charley Vogt a check for $332.13 to support Children’s Programs. The donations were raised during the Royals Paper Day event. Rotary designates half of the money raised for a local charity each year; The other half goes to support the Rotary Kids Camp in Lee’s Summit, Mo. Thank you to those Rotary members who were up early and braved the morning traffic to collect donations.